Donations are happily accepted Sunday thru Wednesday 11am-6pm.
We take pretty much everything except furniture, large appliances, and construction leftovers. We love to see clothing, items for the home, and old stuff!
Please do not donate anything you would not give to a friend. Donations of broken items, wet or mildewed clothing and trash increase our costs and processing times, clog our donation intake area, and prevent us from accepting other donations that can generate funds for charities in our community.
Please ensure that any volunteers for your organization understand their role in not just delivering items to us, but also in ensuring that they are appropriate for drop off.
Please note: We cannot issue tax certificates at this time.
New Policy for Large Drop-off Donations:
As of May 7th 2024, we request that any donation exceeding one pickup truck bed in size be made by appointment only.
25% of the sold price of each item goes to the charity of the donor’s choice. Checks are issued monthly for amounts $50 and up.
You can pick from charities already on our list. Just let us know which charity you want to support when you drop off your donation.
If the charity of your choice isn't listed here in our Charities List, please use our Add New Charity page to add your charity.
Some items are useful, but not worth enough to sell. Perhaps they’re a little broken, have missing parts, or are stained. These items are given to our charitable counterpart, TFG Charitable Supply and Foundation.
They sort those goods and then give them away for free to other charities that can use them. For example, coats, socks and blankets go to charities serving the homeless.
The Thrift for Good® store and donation center is a for-profit entity, so all of our employees are paid.
If you want to help sort items to be given to various local charities, please check out the volunteer opportunities available through our charitable counterpart, TFG Charitable Supply and Foundation.
There are a few things donors can do to help get the best value for their donation:
1. Bring your donation in its own container (a bag or box). We don’t mind lending you one when you arrive, but if it was used for a prior donation, it could still be marked with the old sticker.
2. Put sets in a single container. If possible, put the entire set into one box or bag. Donations are processed one bag or box at a time. If, for example, a pair of shoes gets put into two different bags when you donate, they will most likely never be reunited.
25% of actual sales less taxes, listing & shipping charges (if the item was sold online), and repair costs (if any) go to charity.
The donor chooses the charity that will receive 25% .
If the donor designates a charity that does not exist, an organization that is not a charity or a generic cause, we will do our best to assign the donation to a charity with a similar mission. For example, if you tell us that you'd like your donation to benefit animals, we might pick the Humane Society of North Texas to receive the proceeds from your donation.
In rare cases, some charities decline our payments. If a charity declines the payment, the funds will be assigned to a charity with a similar mission. Similarly, if a charity ceases to exist, the funds will be assigned to a charity with a similar mission.
If the donor does not specify any charity or cause preference, the proceeds will be given to the TFG Charitable Supply & Foundation. This charity takes things from Thrift for Good® that are usable but not worth selling and distributes them to local charities.
Payments are made to all charities monthly that have reached the minimum payment threshold amount of $50. The balances for charities that do not reach the minimum amount will remain and continue to accumulate until payment is made. All charity donations will be paid online by credit card for all charities that offer that as a payment method. For those that do not offer an online option, a check will be mailed. Please help us by cashing the checks as soon as possible.